Sunday, August 16, 2009

Blue Tablecloth

This is 9" x 12" on reverse beveled foamboard. I glued down some cut-open bouquet garni bags and then sealed the whole surface (including down the bevels all the way to the edges) with clear Colourfix primer.

The gouache underpanting is below on the left and a work-in-progress pic is on the right.

-- Is it too unbalanced with the underneath of the table on the lower left and nothing to balance that weight on the right?
-- Would another pear, lying on its side, partially behind the right-most pear do the job?
-- Or does the busy texture of the cheesecloth on the upper right balance it enough?
-- Or should I just give up the bevels and crop it?
-- The pans don't seem to do well on the cheesecloth. The pastels sticks, on the other hand, do wonderfully. This needed one very thick spray of SpectraFix in order to move forward with pans. Is there a better primer mixture that I can use to prime the cheesecloth? Or should I just stick with the sticks.
-- Does this need a rear (back) edge for the table, a "line" where the tabletop turns into the back wall? Or is there enough depth as it is?

Framed, below:


Dolsy Smith said...

I like it - it looks sort of Classical.

Samter Petuel said...

love these two earlier versions
simple, direct, vibrant, mysterious and expressive!

sara mathewson said...

just got a bottle of liquitex clear gesso. Have you tried it? It is very toothy and transparent. Wonderful stuff. I love the colorfix too, but this could be something I use a lot in the future!

P.S. I think this works. The testure kind of balances the table on the left. Beautiful framed too!