Sunday, December 21, 2008

Determine the Extremes

The painting sequence / process, from Professor Bob Rohm:
  1. Formulate the Idea - Why am I doing this? What do I want to communicate? What's the point? Have a concept, a raison d'etre. It may change, but have one initially.
  2. Simplify the Shapes - Six to eight shapes. Lay 'em in.
  3. Average the Values - Four values. Decide and depict.
  4. Average the Colors - Each value shape becomes a color shape. Assign colors. Decide on relative temperatures.
  5. Determine the Extremes - Find the darkest dark, the lightest light, and the most dynamic edge.
Done! The rest are just modifications and refinements. Questions for the rest of the process:
-- How much detail?
-- How much information?
-- How much color variety?
NB: "Always make these modifications in relation to the extremes that you established. Nothing you add should be darker, lighter, more intense, or more dynamic than your established extremes."

[From The Painterly Approach: An Artist's Guide to Seeing, Painting, and Expressing, by Bob Rohm (2008)]

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