This is a very small sketch on UArt 320 grit paper using mostly the new set of Girault pastels that arrived last night : the
Brilliants. Since the Girault line of pastels isn't loaded with what I would call brilliant colors, I was curious to see how they would manage to select a set of fifty so designated.
Verdict: Nice try. Except for some bright and strong reds and oranges, it's a charming set of very usable colors. Nothing outlandish or garish. Or brilliant. Right in line with the Girault philosophy. (Well, there is one fairly outlandish phthalo-like greenish . . . . something. But I'll forgive them.)
I hope to use some of these new pieces to replace some other similar (but larger and softer) pieces in my traveling
Sketchbox Double. But I do not ever imagine being able to fit out a traveler with nothing but Giraults. Too many light values and strong colors are missing. Plus, soft light bright pastels are a must for the last layer, as can be seen in this piece. Love that impasto!
. . . and forgive us our tresspasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us . . .
This is becoming a harder and harder exchange to make. As one grows old, selfish, and self-absorbed, one finds it more difficult to forgive trespasses in others. Not just forget about them and move on, but really sincerely actively forgive. It takes work. Which, now that I think about it, is the whole point.