Monday, November 9, 2009

Dandy? Dunno. Morandi? Dunno.

This is shown cropped to about 7" x 9". Done on pastelmat paper that I demolished with layers of fiber paste and Colourfix primer. I used about 90% panpastels. (Like the green hay bale on the right, eh? Woop woop)

It's 'after' Giorgio Morandi, an artist who is so serene and pristine and quiescent that one falls asleep contemplating his work.

But hey, maybe it's just moi (moi - it's all about moi). As usual.

At left is a composite of some of his still life pieces, for which he is 'famous'. Yaaaawn. Oh. Sorry.

1 comment:

Donna T said...

LOL, Jan! At least your version has interesting texture! Mr. Morandi should have taken lessons on that from you!