This year's Road Trip is bound for familiar ground: the Colorado Plateau. The southern parts of Utah and Colorado and the northern parts of Arizona and New Mexico.
E. Burton Holmes, on the Grand Canyon / June, 1898 /"I believe that when we behold the scene for the first time, a series of new brain-cells is generated, and until they have become sufficiently developed, the canyon withholds its message. In the average mind there is no place for an impression so unlike any before received. At first sight the mentality is dazzled. No painting, photograph, or sketch can do more than suggest to those who have not seen. Photographers by scores have risked their lives to reach that one elusive point of view where the grand lines of majesty would meet one another at the focal plane, but all have failed." From E. Burton Holmes, The Burton Holmes Lectures: The Grand Cañon of Arizona, Volume 6.